" Dr. Boswell said one of the problems with the treatment
at Parkland was that the doctors did not fully realize the
extent of the head wound." Boswell, interview Andy Purdy , August 17, 1977
Problems With The Dox Skull Drawing
David Mantik & The Harper Fragment
The Parkland Doctors ARRB Interview (Full Text)
Tentative Reconstruction Of A Right Rear 'Flap'
Parkland 'Versus' the Autopsy Pictures
Bethesda 'Versus' the Autopsy Pictures
The X-Rays And The 'Intact' Rear Skull
A Predominantly Futile Search For The Supposed EOP 'Entry'
The Character of the Supposed EOP 'Entry'
The 'Rear Flap' & The 'Back of the Head' Debates I
The 'Rear Flap' & The 'Back of the Head' Debates II
John Lattimers' Skull X-Ray Diagram
When (Exactly) Was The Back Wound Found?
On the 'cowlick' entry, and the location of T1 relative to the throat wound.
AP map,Lateral map, X ray notes.
The EOP entry versus the Z film, and an interpretation of the damage around the right eye.
The "Back of the Head" wound area: Boswell, Dox, and the BOH photo.
Locating The Rear (Head) Entry Wound: & Measuring The Autopsy Ruler
What Did Previous Radiological Experts Say About The X-Rays?
The 'Tragus' Laceration & the 'Occipital' Defect.
The Mystery of the Missing Autopsy Notes
Finck's Letter to General Blumberg
The Parkland Witnesses to the Head Wound